Frequently Asked Questions
What ages do you serve?
We currently serve middle school and high school students, typically ages 12-18.
What is your cost?
One of the benefits of our model is that there is low tuition. For the year, the cost is $50 per student per year, with a cap of $100 per family per year. For individual classes, each teacher charges their own fees, usually determined by subject, age, difficulty, and number of students enrolled.
Is Providence Academy accredited?
Providence Academy is not accredited. In the interest of maintaining biblical, doctrinal, and educational convictions, we believe in the full independence of Christian homeschool education from secular and state-run accreditation institutions. This does not hinder our children's acceptance to colleges and universities, as these are more interested in test scores and portfolios than they are in high school accreditation.
Must we be members of a church to enroll?
Yes. We require all of our students and their families to be current members in good standing in an evangelical Christian church. Both our families and the churches of which they are members must agree with our Statement of Faith.
Do you require uniforms?
We do not require uniforms, although we do have a dress code and ask that our students and teachers abide by it in the interest of Christian modesty, decorum, and professionalism.
Do you provide math instruction?
We currently do not provide math instruction in-house. However, we do have a math tutor who serves some of our students. If you are interested in math instruction, please let us know.